Mark Force - Health challenges that taught me
I’ve had to restore my health twice - first at 14 when I contracted mononucleosis that turned into post-viral chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome and, ultimately, resulted in developing ulcerative colitis. After my mother took me to many doctors, I sat across from a gastroenterologist who said he would put me on prednisone and if that didn’t work he would take out part of my colon! On the way home from that doctor visit, I asked my mom to drop me off at the library. There I befriended a librarian who put my hands on the right books, especially The Stress of Life by Hans Selye, MD.
It was the model of Selye combined with yoga, meditation, fasting, juicing, whole food diet, proper exercise, biofeedback, herbs, and, ultimately, chiropractic and applied kinesiology that healed me. That led me - indirectly - to chiropractic school where I could study more deeply chiropractic and naturopathic methods that helped me heal.
The second time was contracting listeria meningitis in Honduras in 2010 and coming about as close as a person can get to dying and yet survive. The knowledge and experience I’d gained allowed me to recover in a fraction of the time typical for the illness.
Practice And Mission
These experiences and practicing since 1984 have helped me be a catalyst for helping people heal from chronic and complex illnesses that commonly get dropped through the cracks. It’s an honor to be present to people healing; I love the work and study associated with it.
There have been many gifted mentors over the years who have shared their knowledge - Lance West, DC, Harry Eidenier, PhD, David Walther, DC, and George Goodheart, DC - and I am extremely grateful to perpetuate their work and vision through practice, teaching, mentoring, writing, and research.
My mission now is to turn the knowledge base I've gained from mentors and practice into books and courses for people to practice selfcare and doctors to incorporate more natural healthcare into their practices.

Personal Background
Born in 1956 ands grew up in San Francisco. Spent high school years at Orme School in Arizona - a working ranch/college prep boarding school.
Upon graduating from Orme, spent a year living in London working at Lloyd’s of London.
Attended Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, where I met my wife Kathie. We moved to Portland, Oregon for me to attend Western States Chiropractic College in 1980. Started practice in Arizona in 1984.
Kathie and I are now married 41 years with three daughters and three grandsons! We love living in Ashland, Oregon. Dr. Hannah Force Conry works with me in Ashland, Aisling Force works in sustainability research and policy, and Dr. Tenaya Force will soon be practicing in Peru.
Hobbies are climbing (rock climbing, mountaineering, ice climbing), skiing, white water rafting, training, hiking and backpacking, just being outdoors, and reading.